Montague Burton, Cardiff - 1932

Here is Montague Burton’s store on Queen Street, Cardiff (now a Starbucks). The store is another in the Art Deco style by Harry Wilson, Burton's in-house architect. The stone facade is in need of a good clean but has avoided the indignity of blue paint. With a sparse historical record of only one photograph of the original store from 1955, where a bus obscures the shop front, I have again had to employ forensic methods to reconstruct the building. This building features two elephants, similar to those on the facade of the Swansea store. This building has been featured in many Welsh Films and TV series, such as Twin Town and Doctor Who.

As ever, this image is available on all the usual gear.


Desk Mat

Acrylic Block: 6″, 4″



Art Print

Premium Scoop T-Shirt

Phone Case

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Montague Burton, Cardiff, 1932 on my Redbubble shop

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